our vision
Absurd exists to see a reconciled world thriving in a celebration of Kingdom diversity.
Rachel Hunka // Founder & Director of ABSURD
God’s heart to reconcile all humanity to himself is demonstrated by crossing divides to redeem the societal outsider. While much of the world dehumanizes what is perceived as different or unknown, God constantly creates bridges in the pursuit of reconciliation and the redemption of all people.
In other words, there are no outsiders in the Kingdom of God. There are no segregated saints.
From this belief, the Absurd Conference was founded in Canton, Ohio. Absurd exists to see a reconciled world thriving in a celebration of Kingdom diversity. It's a 2-day conference that connects, equips, and empowers the Church for discussions and actions in the biblical foundations of diversity, justice, and reconciliation. This conference was proposed in 2018, brought to life in 2019, and it could not be more relevant now.
“In other words, there are no outsiders in the Kingdom of God. There are no segregated saints.”
Around the same time our team was preparing to launch the inaugural Absurd Conference, God brought together a group of multi-racial church pastors in Columbus, Ohio. From this Columbus gathering, friendships were formed that re-connected at Absurd 2019 when they attended as speakers, hosts, and participants. It was evident during this gathering that God did not just bring together friends, but a family was forming.
Over the coming months, friends-turned-family founded the Tribe Collective. The Tribe Collective is a national network of multi-racial churches committed to Kingdom reconciliation, justice, and resourcing. With intentionality, the Tribe became the hosting network of the Absurd Conference for their first resourcing initiative as an incorporated entity.
“Absurd is a 2-day conference that connects, equips, and empowers the Church for discussions and action in the biblical foundations of diversity, justice, and reconciliation.”
And that, my friends, is how the Absurd Conference and the Tribe Collective came to exist individually and collaboratively.
Absurd is not a one-time event and the Tribe is more than just a group of pastors... this is a committed family of believers living united, chasing after the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Here’s to being absurd. Welcome to our tribe.
We're glad you're with us.
- Rachel Hunka
Founder & Director of ABSURD